KidzHouse & Ignite
Church for Our Children
At NLC, our conviction is that children’s ministry is not about giving children something to do on Sunday morning while their parents have church. Thus, the full-fledged Children’s Church service we have each Sunday replicates the main adult church service but is simplified for the children’s level.
They praise and worship together, hear the word, and have small group fellowship. Lessons are prepared and delivered in a way that will help the children not only understand, but apply throughout the week what they are learning.
In the cell groups after the service, the children discuss how to apply God’s Word in light of their experiences. This way, they discover the truth in God’s word for themselves and make the individual choices to obey it.
While children aged 4 to Std. 8 enjoy the service together in KidzHouse, when they go into small groups, those in Std. 6-8 are ministered to separately as Ignites, our pre-teens ministry.
Interaction and ministry time with Ignites is usually around activities and lessons planned and written uniquely for them and on subjects relevant to their age. Ignite aims to prepare them for teen age and the increased challenges of secondary school, even as they learn truths that will help them throughout adulthood and life.
KidzHouse also organizes other events and fun days over the weekends and holidays for both the younger children and pre-teens, geared towards maximum bonding and learning together as the family of God.
Our children’s church serves children from age 4 all the way to Std.8.
~ Psalm 8:2 ~
Our Music
We believe in our children raising up their praise and worship to God! Check out music from KidzHouse & Ignite, available everywhere you stream or buy music.

Ignite Us
Album by pre-teens for pre-teens!

I can change my world
Our first children's praise and worship album!