
This week, as we lead up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we want to invite everyone in our congregation to be a part of our #EasterChallenge – from Kidzhouse age, to Ignites, Clubbers, right through to Citylights, Ladies First and Mandate!

The challenge is to be intentional in finding a creative way to share the kindness of Jesus in a special way to those around you. Here are some ideas to give you a clearer picture:

• Kids could go through their toys and books to find a toy in very good condition that they can clean and give to a neighbor friend, or perhaps bless your househelp’s child.

• Go through your wardrobe and find clothes in very good condition, wash them and fold them nicely. Perhaps bless your watchman with a sweater or jacket or the lady who sells at your local kiosk with a scarf!

• Buy some food items for someone in need who is in or close by your neighborhood.

• As a cell, if you know someone who has recently lost their job, you could all contribute to help pay a bill?

• Bake a cake or make mandazis for a family; or make a meal for an elderly couple in your neighborhood.

• Put together a care package with a few basic essentials (soap, tissue, dry goods) for someone nearby.

These are just ideas, but the end goal is that each of us find a way to reach out in our community, to our “neighbors,” whether that is literally next door or someone in our world. Here are some important things to remember:

• Anything you give needs to be washed or sanitized.

• We ask you to stay in the wisdom of social distancing, so instead of using this as a means to visit and interact, write a short note. (If you have kids, they can help by making some homemade cards) In the note, if you are giving a personal item, mention that it’s been properly cleaned, and say you want to be a blessing and that you’re praying for them.

• Follow up wherever possible and send them the link to our Easter Sunday “Church At Home” if they don’t already have a church to connect with. We’re looking forward to an awesome week as we all pray and find creative ways to be involved in the #EasterChallenge !!