NLC Statement on Re-Opening of Churches

Hello Nairobi Lighthouse Church,

We’re so grateful to God for the wonderful services He’s enabled us to have with Church@Home over the last four months!

As you may know, the President announced this past week that churches can begin to reopen in a phased approach, which presently entails very restrictive measures.

While we are grateful for these first steps, taking all these measures into consideration, I, along with the Pastors, feel that we are unable to resume general in-person services under the present guidelines.

Therefore, we will continue with Sunday services and cell meetings online at this time.

This has not been an easy decision, because we miss you church!! We’re believing that God is keeping us focused and connected as we fellowship in these unique ways.

As many say, though we are socially apart, let us continue spiritually together! We’ll keep you updated in the coming weeks as the government continues to direct us.

In the meantime, Church, stay strong, stay safe, and stay focused. God bless you!

Pastor Don Matheny
Senior Pastor