Prayer Guide – 23rd – 29th August

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth…


Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.     

JOHN 14:13-14 (ESV)

And his name—by faith in his name—has made this man strong whom you see and know, and the faith that is through Jesus has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all.               

ACTS 3:16 (ESV)


Heavenly Father, the COVID-19 pandemic is still dominating the minds and hearts of people around the world. Panic and anxiety often strike at the very mention of that name. Yet, You have bestowed on Your Son, Jesus, a name that is above every name. It is in His name we come to You united as the Body of Christ. We ask You to heal our lands of COVID-19 in a way that clearly shows our broken world You have intervened on their behalf.

Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus, glorify Yourself by eradicating COVID-19.

Lord Jesus, when You walked the earth, You healed every form of disease and even raised the dead. We are thankful You are still the Healer today. You have the power to heal hurting people, restore fractured cultures, and bring awakening to our lands. Thus, we come before Your throne today in the name of Jesus. We unite and pray with millions of other believers, asking You to pour out Your healing power on our broken world. Many people are battling sickness, isolation, and confusion. Countless have lost jobs and are without resources in the nations of the earth. Your intervention is their only hope.

Father, in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus, heal our world from the ravages of COVID-19.

Lord, the needs of our world are not just financial, medical, mental, and social. The most lethal killer in history is not a physical pandemic. It is the power of Sin and Death. Only You have the power to deliver us! Millions of our planet’s inhabitants are still separated from You. Your great salvation provides righteousness, peace, and joy to the broken multitudes. Lord, unite Your Church and empower us afresh to be the witnesses You have called us to be — to a dying world in desperate need of salvation!

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, unite and revive Your Church. Save millions of people through a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit!