Prayer Guide – 3rd – 9th May

Heavenly Father, for many weeks we have been living under the constant threat of COVID-19. Bombarded by bad news and secluded in our homes, we have faced deep concerns and even the imminent possibility of sickness and financial hardship. There have been days we have struggled to stand in faith. Still, by Your presence and grace, we rise up. 

We put on our spiritual armor today through faith in Jesus Christ. We pray against COVID-19 by the Word of God and through the strength of the Holy Spirit. We resist all the effects of COVID-19 on us, our families, churches, cities, and nations. 

This virus has loomed over the nations of the world and has reached every aspect of society. Despite these challenges, we stand before COVID-19 and declare, “Our God is able to deliver us!”

We ask, oh God, that by Your great mercy, COVID-19 will be eradicated—that we will soon see it gone and reduced to nothing.
Heavenly Father, increase our faith. Work in our hearts. Produce in us, oh God, Your character. You have shown us Your mercy and grace countless times. We are thankful and humbly ask for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the peoples of the world. May countless millions be saved and discipled as Your church boldly proclaims the Gospel in this critical hour. 

This is our prayer and confidence through the mighty power of JESUS CHRIST, our Lord. Amen.